Inform People When Energy is Cleaner

Sabreez delivers systemwide energy information in a clean, reliable, and easy to use format. As markets switch to wind and solar, show people the Wind Number and Solar Boost to increase customer engagement. Switching devices “on” when energy is cleaner is a service that your customers will enjoy.

Our Clean Energy Factor, which is the sum of the Wind Number and the Solar Boost, is available through our application programming interface (API), our Daily Clean Energy Forecast, and as a switch for adaptive loads. When wind and solar are cranking up, the Wind Number and Solar Boost send a positive message to consumers about your product or service. Contact our integration team to enable your customers to “make the switch” to cleaner energy today.

Wind Number
Solar Boost
Clean Energy Factor

Consumers Want Cleaner Energy

Integrate our API into your consumer-facing application to inform people about how to use cleaner energy. Provide that little extra nudge to receive measurable results in peak load reductions.

Our Daily Clean Energy Forecast is a constant reminder that clean energy costs less in a format that people already follow- The Weather Report. Use our API Switch to “turn on” people’s connected devices to cleaner energy rather than just “turning off” during peak hours.

Coming Soon! Evaluate the results of your messaging system using Green Button Connect. Combine our Clean Energy Factor with a user’s smart meter data to add a social dimension to your consumer engagement program.